Wednesday, July 04, 2007

what do we say to Veterans this day of Independence ... ?

What do we say to our Veterans now ?

What do we say to those who served selflessly in World War II or in Korea - even in Viet Nam ?

Those who obeyed all the rules, not knowing how rules had been bent.

Those who did not understand the "game" and how they were being used ?

What do we say to all the men and women who have left parts of themselves in other countries ?

Thinking they were defending their own country in some way while protecting their own freedoms.

Men and women missing body parts - minds permanently altered and souls forever scarred.

Possessed of illness and contamination - treatment for which their government denies them.

What do we say to our Veterans of all ages this July 4, 2007 about why their friends died half a world away from home?

If we, as a people, will now quietly allow "Building a North American Community" to proceed.

North American Union backers have "already declared before our Congress, that our borders are to be eliminated by 2010"

What did our friends and relatives die for ? - what were they defending which now has so little value if it can be given away so easily ?

American's passivity strengthens Tyranny already upon us while we "celebrate" our *INDEPENDENCE*

Hollow victory today for those among us who sell or give away our victories for "inalienable rights" of humans on Earth.

What do we say to our Veterans today about what we are celebrating and the price they have paid ?

What do we say to ourselves for what we have become ?


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Sunday, July 01, 2007

Excellence in Television Broadcasting - Finally !!!

Mika Brzezinski refused to open with a story about an obnoxious young woman who was recently released from jail.

On being urged to open her CBS television segment with that story, she ripped up the paper it was printed on after attempting to set fire to it on camera.


Kudos to Mika Brzezinski !!!


We hope to see a lot more of such sanity "on camera"



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