Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I have no respect for Jerry Springer ...

Jerry Springer profited from people's stupidity.

Jerry Springer viewers enjoyed other people's stupidity, whether it matched or exceeded their own ...

... and that is how Springer profited - not just from his "guests" stupidity.

Exploiting people's weaknesses - their lack of knowledge, their emotions, their willingness to lower themselves for money ...

... is bad enough in itself, but to do it for profit, to profit from doing it - I have zero respect for the man, Jerry.

That fact is of very little relevance.

What is important, what goes by the way, it seems, to those who would market "The Secret" as if it were a secret ...

... is the Law of Attraction - to the society which is so sick it attracts to itself the very worst of itself, and does it again.

Remains blind to itself.

If you are Black or any "colour" other than white and disrespect whites for white oppression of Blacks, you have my respect.

If you are white and disrespect other whites for oppressing minorities or their individuals, you have my respect.

If you are white, please do not wait for me to eulogize you once you have disrespected other whites "just because you can"

If you are stupid, you have the right to remain stupid, and you have the right to be silent ...

... no matter how much some scumbag is willing to pay you to be, or to act, stupid - however economically anemic you are.

No one is improving the quality of anyone's life, regardless of *intention to do good* ... by performing like trained attack dogs.


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