Saturday, May 12, 2007

Happy Mother's Day !

A challenge we all face today few of us, I think, see - maybe we do not want to see.

We so easily talk of "others" - creating "ists" and "ers" and "ians" and "izers"

We easily attach a label to a group of people, then no longer see *people* themselves.

That division is partly self-induced, partly encouraged by forces outside our "society"

What any person does as personal choice in no way *includes* them in some group.

What any person does as personal choice has consequences that one must live with.

What any person does as a matter of personal choice is *judged* by natural laws ...

... the very same laws which result in consequences for each of us, for how we live.

-- How we love each other, care for each other, sustain each other - or not --

Perhaps today, this weekend, now and forward, you will stop and think - pause

Before you condemn any other person, before relegating someone so much like you ...

... to a *distant* group apart from you and yours, leaving you and yours apart as well.

I admit sometimes I must pause too - correct my words and actions for my own sake.

I grew up in the United States of America hearing daily admonitions about our enemy.

A primary warning given us then was that our *enemy* would divide us, conquer us.

Today, we all allow forces we neither see nor understand the existence or purpose of ...

... to divide us in so many ways, that we are now divided - vulnerable, conquerable.

Today, stop a minute and draw deeply on your own mother's love.

Ask yourself how Mom would love the one you set apart were that person her own child.

Ask how you will survive where you have allowed yourself to so coldly judge others ...

... those making choices so similar to your own - put yourself in their place each time.

We are caught up in spiritual war - in which we can lose our own souls in wrong action.

At the same time, we are caught in an economic war in this physical world of ours.

Both critical in their separate ways, and both having their "deceivers" at work among us.

Both are tied inseparably, and the Bible is not the only source of that particular truth.


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