Thursday, March 29, 2007

10 Most Popular Manifesto Proposals ...

This caught my attention last night - something everyone ought know about IMO

1 OuterHeavens Heroes manifesto

2 The Education Age Is Coming!

3 Give more, Get more! Negotiate your way to a richer life

4 Value Creation: The RIGHT way

5 Recruiting volunteers to change the world

6 Microfinance at the crossroads: reshaping the pyramid

7 Stop trying to beat people into submission - Cause alignment!

8 Romancing the Workplace

9 Manifesto for a Marketing Revolution

10 Can Thoughts Change Your Business, Your Life ... the World?

... and there are more - if you have a passion for any subject here ?

Proposals are ideas for manifestos submitted by others like you.
If you see one you would love to read, vote for it!
If you have an idea for a great manifesto you would like to write, visit this site to contribute:



Thursday, March 15, 2007

the centralization of control ...


"Although television was invented in the 1920s, it did not exist for any practical purposes until after World War II. It is easy to forget that advertising, at least on the scale we have come to know it, barely existed before then either.

In 1946, advertisers spent about $3 billion. For the previous two decades, advertising expenditures had been fairly constant at about that level. By 1975, however, the national advertising budget had grown by 1,000 percent to $30 billion.

Most of the increase went into television advertising. Within only ten years of its effective inauguration, television was absorbing 60 percent of all advertising spending and driving hundreds of newspapers, magazines and radio stations out of the market.

A symbiotic relationship developed. Advertising financed television's growth. Television was the greatest delivery system for advertising that had ever been invented. We could call it love at first sight, except in this case, the match may have been prearranged.

If you are old enough, think back to the days immediately after World War II. Although I was only ten in 1945, I remember the expectant and uncertain feeling of the times very well. Everyone was relieved that the war was over and was expecting things to get back to normal, but what was normal? Memories of the Depression loomed. I remember listening to my parents talk with their friends on those backyard summer evenings of 1945, and I could feel the fear.

Like most ordinary people, my parents knew that the war had alleviated the Depression. During the war, American industrial capacity, lying fallow only a few years before, had actually expanded to build the military machine. My father's own business was an example. Now there were no more uniforms to make, and no more tanks. The war had given men jobs as soldiers and women jobs as factory workers. Full employment had practically become a reality. Now Johnny was marching home again, jobless.

If this was the talk among ordinary people, one can only imagine what was said in industrial boardrooms and at the Department of Commerce. With industrial capacity and capital investment expanded as they were, the consequences of a drop in production could make the 1930s look like golden years. A longstanding criticism of capitalism—that it can stave off cyclic depression only through war—seemed about to be confirmed. "



Wednesday, March 14, 2007

advertising to the group mind ...

When one finds a reason to turn off the television and think
- really think clearly
... which means an extended break from TV

It is possible to glimpse the mire in which we live out our days.

We think of advertising as something which encourages or compels us to buy *things*

Our vision of those "things" is often limited to appliances and processed (manufactured) food, or entertainment devices such as radios and iPods, DVD players and big-screen TVs, automobiles and snow skis, "holiday recreation" travel packages and airlines, home improvement materials and tools, etc.

Seldom does our thinking reflect that government, politics, elections and such - even religion - have also become "products" sold through advertisements which are presented in the same "time slots" as any other ads.

Election ads or "homeland security alerts" may be presented as PSAs (public service announcements) and we assume the station or network is paying for the time.

Either way, we likely change the channel, looking for a prettier face - male or female ...

... and there it is - even the best of American presidents might not be elected today.

How do we "package" a face like Lincoln's for television "consumption" ... ?

" Given how critical it is to keep the production-consumption process flowing smoothly, advertising obviously occupies a place of considerable importance.

It has been assigned the specific duty of keeping people buying, buying, buying and therefore working, working, working to get the money to do so. It is the system invented to break the skin barrier, as it were, by entering the human being to reshape feelings and create more appropriate ones as need be. "
- Jerry Mander

We spend much of our time arguing among each other which of our "trusted news sources" are biased, and in whose favour (the arguments go both ways) - never reaching any sensible conclusion.

We say that ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, UPN, The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Daily News, Time Magazine, Newsweek, People Magazine, US News and World Report and countless other media under report, or fail to report, certain stories, and yet in closer examination we find those "certain" stories WERE reported.

Internet links to those stories my "mysteriously" disappear, but the pattern is almost always the same:

A curious reporter from a major media organization reports a "major, blockbusting" story ... then after the story has "penetrated the media screen" the story is "spiked" by those higher up in the organization before it reaches a wider audience - in some cases through over censorship, but more often the story is simply left to die on its own.

"Constant repetition is the foundation of all successful advertising and marketing," so a story which is only "reported once or twice - no matter how sensational - will quickly fade from the public memory long before it has a chance to leave a lasting impression."

Seldom, if at all, does it occur to us that process is intended to cause us confusion ...

"Didn't I hear it reported that ... ?" you ask, but when you want to read the story again you find:

"This story no longer exists."

... if you find any reference at all.

"If we understand the mechanisms and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing it," Edward L. Bernays argued in "Propaganda" - one of his first books.

"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country .... In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons ... who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind."

Saturday, March 03, 2007

ICANN Update on RegisterFly ...

March 3rd, 2007 by Domain Tools Team

" ICANN has posted a public update on the RegisterFly situation we reported about earlier and it doesn’t look good. On February 21st, 2007, ICANN issued a letter to RegisterFly [PDF, 101K] indicating a Notice of Breach of its Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) and demanding that RegisterFly act within 15 working days to cure the breaches outlined in the letter. Also on February 21st, ICANN sent a Notice of Audit [PDF, 60K] that required RegisterFly to allow ICANN to inspect and copy its records. In addition they were given notice to submit data to ICANN or a reputable escrow agent regarding registration applications and Registered name holders. Five days later on February 27th, 2007, ICANN sent two employees to RegisterFly’s offices in New Jersey to audit them and obtain the registrant information. RegisterFly did not compile and refused to give ICANN the Information. Two days later on March 1st, 2007 RegisterFly’s lawyers forwarded a letter [PDF, 12K] to ICANN advising that refusal to comply with ICANN’s request “should not be construed as my client’s unwillingness to cooperate with ICANN but as evidence of their continuing efforts to service their customers.” In response ICANN has issued a second letter [PDF, 288K] dated March 2nd, 2007 setting out additional breaches of the Registrar Agreement and in that letter ICANN describes RegisterFly’s refusal to comply which was based on their “continuing efforts to service their customers” as “preposterous“.

It seems that RegisterFly is continuing to breach the RAA is seen as very serious and ICANN is in hot pursued. It is very clear that RegisterFly is about to crash and burn. ICANN’s primary concern is to do what it can to protect registrant and related data. ICANN has provided notice that it will file a suit against RegisterFly in the United States District Court for the Central District of California seeking a temporary restraining order (TRO) requiring RegisterFly to turn over the data requested and to compel an emergency audit of its books and records. In addition to this legal action, ICANN today convened a telephone conference among those needed to implement a plan that will help cease unintended deletions. The participants were registries holding RegisterFly names: Afilias (.info), Neustar (.biz), VeriSign (.com, .net), RegisterFly backend services provider Tucows and eNom (for which RegisterFly was a reseller) as well as representatives of RegisterFly. The Registries involved have agreed to move any RegisterFly names in Redemption Grace Period status into Server-Delete-Prohibited status. This will prevent them from being deleted from the registry and becoming available for re-registration by others. ICANN commends and encourages this example of cooperation to protect registrant data. "
