Friday, August 25, 2006

comments open to all ...

My apologies - a friend notified me that comments here has been restricted to blogspot registered members.

Was my intention that comments be open to all, as they now are again.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

I am going to make a friend mad ...

This morning I received a question that just baffled me - not that I was unable to provide an appropriate answer.

What is baffling to me is that I have provided a hundred different "appropriate" answers to that same question over so many months, and yet, after having such ample opportunity to decide for herself from among all those possbilities ...

One of those moments I stifled a scream, it was.

After thinking about the question for an hour, I decided to make my friend mad today.

Not because I want her to be mad at me, but ...

I have faith that our friendship will endure - that because of what I say today, because of what I do today, and what she does in turn as a result, will bring rewards in her life later, even after I am gone, that she will pass on to her children, and to their children.

Recently, I wanted our new site to have a favicon - not a *necessity* but a little sign that we care enough about our website to add that feature.

If you do not know what is a *favicon* (favorite icon) - google "favicon" and learn about it ... very easy to do, and I will not take up extra space here telling you all about it when I know how easily you can find that information.

Required work on Franklyn's part to figure out how to install favicon on our site and forum site (you can see it before the address in the address bar), but as usual, he figured it out.
How does it look ? Do you like it ?

Back on track here: I asked my friend to make a favicon for us, in exchange for receiving $50 cash (which I knew she needed), and she agreed to do the job.

I could have done it myself, though I had never made one before.

Four days later, she sent me an e-mail requesting that I show her how to make a favicon ... and honestly, I do not recall that I replied to that message.

I think it was day 8 or 9 she sent me a message to say that she could not figure out how to make a favicon, could not do the job, so I thanked her and let it go ... and went directly to google, entered "favicon" and I think it was the third entry I selected

I had our favicon ready within 30 minutes of receiving her message.

... because I want my friend to get really, really mad enough to act in her own behalf !

I KNOW she can and will succeed !
I am willing to stake my life on it !

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

searches traceable back to you ... ?

By now you are probably aware that AOL (AmericaOnline service provider) recently released a "small portion" of keyword search information for about 658,000 anonymous AOL users in a move that "ignited a firestorm of criticism on the Internet amid calls for tighter protection of the privacy of users' Web searches"


This morning I was shown a couple of alternatives you can use you would like your searches not traceable back to you:

Mess up the db with:

... or try: